Guided Tours at Art League Houston

Art League Houston provides tours of our exhibition spaces to small visiting groups and schools. Tours last approximately 45 minutes and are led by Art League staff and may include the exhibiting artists if possible. Each tour engages visiting groups and is tailored to the age and interests of visitors. Tours range in topics from artistic process and materials, to looking and writing activities, and beyond. All group tours must be scheduled at least three weeks in advance by filling out the form below. Groups should contact Art League Houston to make sure content is suitable for your student age range.

School Tours

Visiting middle and high school, as well as college cohorts, can contact Art League Houston to schedule a tour that goes hand-in-hand with what the students have been learning in class. The staff will try to accommodate the material as best as possible to facilitate careful observation and interactive discussion of the work, engaging the students in active dialogue while exploring, debating, and reflecting upon themes, materials, and other elements of the exhibitions. Some topics can establish direct connections to curriculum areas or the daily lives of the students, becoming a dynamic way of learning and a support tool for the teacher. Students improve their visual literacy, critical and creative thinking, and communication skills by interacting with visual arts and culture.

For more information regarding tours, email our Exhibitions Manager at or call Art League Houston at 713-523-9530

Group Tours

Groups visiting Art League Houston can also sign up for guided tours of the exhibitions on display in the galleries. Visitors will engage in lively conversations while honing critical-thinking skills and becoming familiar with the visual elements that conform the artist’s aesthetic vocabulary or style. The guide will focus on three or four pieces to permit a closer look and an in-depth analysis of the work and the artist.